Featured on Local Radio

BMRenew was featured on Shirley Lewis’s “The Global TV Show” which airs 10-11am every Monday on 89.1 Radio Blue Mountains FM. Noni McDevitt and Sue Morrison joined Sharon Wilkinson from Stop Coal Seam Gas Blue Mountains to talk about how locally owned and generated renewable energy can replace fossil fuel energy.


Download the podcast of Episode 6 “Energy As Sustainably As Possible” originally broadcast on 15 April 2013 from Shirley’s website at bagladyproductions.org/episode-six and join the discussion on the program’s Facebook page. Noni and Sue feaure about 10 minutes into the programme.


If you’re outside the Radio Blue Mountains listening area you can listen online at rbm.org.au

  One Reply to “Featured on Local Radio”

  1. shirley lewis aka baglady
    31 Jul 2013 at 11:15 am

    it’s GREAT what you’re doing and it’s so practical. The GLO is always ready to hear and say more

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