Our 2016 annual general meeting is just a few weeks away. The AGM is a great opportunity for members to get a big picture update of the Co-op’s activities over the past year and really exercise their co-operative membership (Not a member yet? Join here). Co-op AGMs aren’t like companies or even associations – members are active and have direct control over the co-op.
Where: Joy Anderson Room, Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, 9 New St, Lawson
Here’s what you need to know:
- Renew your membership – renewals fall due on 1 July every year.
- RSVP below
- Download the 2016 AGM agenda.
- Read the info below on director nominations – some directors will be retiring and members will have a chance to elect new and re-standing directors.
Director Nominations
Our rules state that we will have between seven and twelve directors and that 2 will retire (but may stand for re-election) this year. We currently have 6 directors and one casual vacancy.
Our chair, Michael Skeggs and director Noni McDevitt will be retiring at the AGM, but plan to stand for re-election. Additionally, 3 members nominated at the July meeting to stand for election as directors:
- Kerry Brown
- Cecilia Vagg
- Erland Howden
We are still keen to hear from anyone else who would like to nominate, or let us know if you think someone you know would be great. More details here.
We hope to see you at the AGM!