The board of directors on the Blue Mountains Renewable Energy Co-operative is pleased to advise members that the Annual General Meeting will be held in August on Saturday the 10th, at noon. The meeting will be held in the usual meeting room at the Mid-Mountains Community Centre, 9 New St, Lawson. Please join us for the meeting, to elect new… Read more →
Category: Events
Cake and Solar power at Lawson
While Canberra still debates renewable energy and climate change, locals in the Blue Mountains are getting on with real action. Blue Mountains Renewable Energy Co-op ( has just arranged for 8kW of solar panels to be installed on the Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre building in Lawson. Powering the vital non-profit Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, plus the many community events held… Read more →

2017 AGM – 12th August
Our 2017 annual general meeting is just a few weeks away. This is an exciting time because members have a chance to really exercise their co-operative membership (Not a member yet? Join here. Still need to renew? Go here). Co-op AGMs aren’t like companies or even associations – members are active and have direct control over the co-op. When: 11am,… Read more →

Saving energy at home: register your interest
During the recent SunCrowd solar and battery bulk-buy campaign, lots of people asked us about how to save energy at home – whether to reduce the bill-shock of losing the 60c feed-in-tariff, take best advantage of a new battery system or to keep getting better at saving energy and addressing climate change. Based on this feedback, we’re looking to develop… Read more →

Last Chance for Solar & Batteries Bulk Buy!
With the strict deadline of midnight 30th November fast approaching, our local expert and solar mentor, Andrew, has put together the following guide for those looking at the last minute: These are based on my experiences with people during the mentor sessions: 1. The budget starter pack: 1.5kW of panels with micro-inverters for $3499 (including solar meter, based on… Read more →
RSVP for the Battery and Solar Bulk Buy