Category: Residential Solar

The Residential Solar project is an initiative to promote, inform and coordinate potential purchasers of residential solar systems in the Blue Mountains and Central West NSW. We hold information events and provide independent advice to households on sourcing the most appropriate system for their needs and recommending local installers.

House at night with lights - Inspiration DE

Saving energy at home: register your interest

During the recent SunCrowd solar and battery bulk-buy campaign, lots of people asked us about how to save energy at home – whether to reduce the bill-shock of losing the 60c feed-in-tariff, take best advantage of a new battery system or to keep getting better at saving energy and addressing climate change. Based on this feedback, we’re looking to develop… Read more →


Residential solar project update: our residential solar information project continues, with the first solar systems due to be installed soon by attendees at our previous information sessions! Our next public presentation is in the works – details will be announced soon.

In the meantime, if you or someone you know is thinking about installing solar we have plenty of information and tips on our new Residential Solar page.